ULLIP - Percussionist and DrummerShocking, for the "About Generation", dangerous for the "Generation Oh-it-was-beautiful": ULL! P makes punk. Punk as it was not known to date, although punk itself is old and forgotten - sorry: it seems. But punk has to do something that others do in a different way: make your way to yourself. Celebrate authenticity. And that's why ULL! P does something that is ancient, but in a completely new, unique way: authenticmusi c
Whereby the word music needs some explanation: one is used to hearing melodies from and from instruments that usually sound harmonious - pitch sequences and tone duration cascades, which are collectively called melody. Not so ULL! P.
The perc behind its name says it and everything: it's about touched things that emit touching things as tone and sound.
Vulgo: Drumming, but in the “most impossible ways” so to speak, or in any amount, quite ordinary, as you already think you know. What ULL! P creates is to elicit new things from them, which in this driving rhythmic was seldom, barely or never heard and which is with others. Authentic Music is not about sounds for the outside world, but for oneself.
For everyone who wants to get involved with what starts with listening, but then takes on their own forms inside and spontaneous reflection - individual, siutative, emotionally controlled, not to say: driven. And so, and only so, is authentic. You yourself. Inside yourself.
Whether solo or en ensemble:
ULL! P does not drum “for the melody”, but contrasts and harmonizes - depending on the authentic, personal limbo - to dance the tones of other instruments and voices with his own (s). Beats turn into symphonies and the tempos tell whole stories. Punk: Forget everything formal, do what you are, listen to what corresponds to you, experience ULL! P, how you can use his perc - his "drumming" - right now. For your very own, very ephemeral or always manifest authenticity. For your you.
And as for ULL! P (Ulrich Putsch):
Someone made a trip around the world. Left a small village called Punk-Musik, the birthplace of Neue Deutsche Welle at the time. A long time ago.
ULL! P wandered, raced, musically floated around and through the world. Restless. Like his “music”, his perc (whom I still have to say: naturally stands for percussion, drums, drums, rhythm tools). And now he's back where it all started: in the village of Punk. That is no longer there, hardly anyone still lives there, but ULL! P brings something back with him from his journey that seems contradictory and, on closer inspection, is full of logic: real punk. The real authenticity (ok, yes, it's a white mold, real authenticity).
Punk “on a higher, far higher” level: is it still punk or something new? New, nöööö, why?
Punk was and is not bad. You just have to let yourself be dominated by him - and vice versa, "can" him / it. Like ULL! P. Uniquely authentic.